Monday, September 24, 2012


Hey, I haven't posted in a really really long time and you are probably thinking that I have forgotten about this little blog of mine. But I haven't entirely. School has started and it's going really good :) I have re-made my freinds and the school year has definetly started well :) I went into it with an open heart and an open mind and it definetly serves well.  science class is super hard :) But I love school and I love all my freinds. Most people don't like school and they just can't wait until they get to make their own descisions about their education but I am content with where I am at right now and I am also content that my education (private school) bill is going to my parents pocket and not mine (yet) I haven't yet decided what I want to do with my life yet and I am hoping that I get some good ideas soon. I am not at all good with math so I couldnt do anything in that field! But enough about all that! It was my birthday the 22cd and the days are turning to my fevorite season!!!!! fall!!!!!!!!! I love fall, the smell's the colors and the weather and I plan to enjoy it all this year!!

<3 Sunny